Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Years Resolutions!!

Christmas is over, New Years is just around the corner! Are you tired of breaking your New Years Resolution? I can help you! I can give you the tools to help you focus on your resolution and make the life changes you desire. Hypnosis is an effective means of weight reduction and one of the most effective tools available for combating the problems of smoking dependancy (two of the most "popular..." New Years Resolutions!) Make this year different and take control of your life! Most appointments can be scheduled within 24 to 48 hours.

Call us for a consultation. We can answer any questions you have and get you on the successful and healthy path you deserve.

Call me directly at 734-287-2930 or email me at
Visit us at

Saturday, December 10, 2011


TIS THE SEASON....Aah the holidays..starting with Thanksgiving and running through the new year, they're a time for Love, Family, Friendship and Thanksgiving!!! Yet there are many of us feeling overly stressed, having problems sleeping, worried about gaining extra weight. If this sounds like you Hypnosis can help! One of the most common questions about hypnoss is "What is it?" Hypnosis is a deeeeply relaxed state by which suggestions by-pass the conscious mind (critical factor) and go directly to the inner conscious mind for acceptance. You are more open to suggestion, yet are in complete control. You are not "asleep", just deeply relaxed.

Hypnosis is one of the most effective tools available for combating smoking, weight loss, and negative stress. You respond to suggestions daily, which is a form of Self Hypnosis. Our techniques at Simply Success Now are a dynamic and effective way of unleashing your own skills and abilities for a happier and more meaningul life.

Want to bring about a desired change in your life? Want to make a meaningful improvement in your life? If you answered yes to any of these, visit my website,, for information on how I can help you personally or contact me directly at 734-287-2930 or via email at

Friday, November 25, 2011


We gave you 8 techniques to practice for allowing your mind, body and spirit to work together as one to boost your self-esteem and your confidence!

Here are 8 additional techniques: 

  • Hugs are fun and necessary for human happiness and feeling good.  (2 or 3 a day is a good average).
  • Aim High!  Goals are meant to be reached.  Write them, read them, DO THEM!
  • Changing others and what happens to us may be difficult or impossible to do.  How we reach is the key.  Continue forward movement to better the situation.
  • Act as if you are successful, confident, wealthy, handsome, beautiful...You'll grow into it!
  • Start your own success file, your goals and dreams: check it everyday and add to it each week.
  • The mirror reflects what it sees, so do other people; practice positive, mirror techniques everyday!
  • Be willing to take risks.  It helps build confidence and self-esteem.  (Win or lose, at least you are moving forward.)
  • Rehearse you new powerful self-image.  Actors do it, practice makes perfect!
Keep a positive outlook on life.  "I can do this.  I can achieve now.  I deserve good things.  I am open to success in all areas.  Relaxation and the understanding of myself is the key!"

Want to bring about a desired change in your life? Want to make a meaningful improvement in your life? If you answered yes to any of these, visit my website,, for information on how I can help you personally or contact me directly at 734-287-2930 or via email at


Saturday, November 12, 2011


Practice these 8 techniques and allow your mind, body and spirit to work together as one to boost your self-esteem and your confidence!  

 Look next week for 8 more to practice! 
  • Always be willing to speak highly of others. Look for their good points.
  • Make a decision, right or wrong...most of the time it will be right, even if you're wrong, you will feel better than if you put it off.
  • Compliment yourself and allow others to do so, a pat on the back builds confidence.
  • If you broke a promise or agreement, apologize and explain truthfully why you couldn't carry it through.
  • When somebody puts you down, say the truth to yourself and to him or her. “I am somebody. I will not be torn down. I am not a building!” (it all depends on how you say it!)
  • Say thank you for deeds done. People remember that and will help in the future.
  • One hour before sleep, stay relaxed and calm. Read an inspirational book or listen to a relaxing CD. When we go to sleep, our mind helps to overcome difficulties.
  • Be positive in talk about yourself. If a self put-down comes out, stop, re-think and re-word it!
Want to bring about a desired change in your life?  Want to make a meaningful improvement in your life?  If you answered yes to any of these, visit my website,, for information on how I can help you personally or contact me directly at 734-287-2930 or via email at

Saturday, November 5, 2011


1)  If I can not say something nice about someone then I will not say anything at all.  I will look for something good to say!

2)  I have no right to judge anyone!

3)  I have an open mind!

4)  I keep my words about others soft and digestible!

5)  I look at them as good ---- unless proven otherwise!

6)  I maintain a balanced outlook!

7)  If I find them uncomfortable, then I refer to number 1!

Want to bring about a desired change in your life?  Want to make a meaningful improvement in your life?  If you answered yes to any of these, visit my website,, for information on how I can help you personally or contact me directly at 734-287-2930 or via email at
I'm here to help and remember HYPNOSIS WORKS!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Plain Talk About.......HANDLING STRESS from Norm Caldwell -- Part 2

As I posted last week, we all need stress in our life.  And whether we want to admit it or not, stress is with us all the time.  Too much stress, however, can seriously affect your physical and mental well being.  Too much emotional stress, for example, can cause physical illness such as high blood pressure, ulcers, or even heart disease.  Stress can cause, help continue or even worsen other diseases such as migraine headaches, high blood pressure, backaches or insomnia. 

As you begin to understand more about how stress affects you as an individual, you will come up with your own ideas of helping to ease the tensions.  Last week I gave you 5 different ways to help yourself handle stress.  Here are a few others...

A-Be A Participant
B-Check Off Your Tasks
C-Must You Always Be Right?
D-It's OK To Cry
E-Create a Quiet Scene
F-Avoid Self Medication.

Remember, the BEST strategy for avoiding stress is LEARN TO RELAX!!!  And BE GOOD TO YOURSELF!!!

Having a hard time dealing with stress?  Want to bring about a desired change in your life?  Want to make a meaningful improvement in your life?  If you answered yes to any of these, visit my website,, for information on how I can help you personally or contact me directly at 734-287-2930 or via email at

I'm here to help and remember HYPNOSIS WORKS!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Plain Talk About.......HANDLING STRESS from Norm Caldwell

YOU NEED STRESS IN YOUR LIFE!!!   Does that surprise you?  Perhaps so, but it is quite true.  Without stress, life would be dull and unexciting.  Stress adds flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life. Too much stress, however, can seriously affect your physical and mental well being.  A major challenge in this stress-filled world of today is to make the stress in your life work for you intead of against you.

To use stress in a positive way and prevent it from becoming distress, you should become aware of your own reactions to stressful events.  The body responds to stress by going through three stages:  1-alarm, 2-resistance and 3-exhaustion.

When stress does occur, it is important to recognize and deal with it.  Here are some suggestions for ways to handle stress.

A-Try Physical Activity
B-Share you stress by talking to someone.
C-Know your limits
D-Take care of yourself
E-Make time for fun

Come back next week for other suggestions and information on handling stress.

Visit Norm Caldwell at for other helpful information and remember:  Hypnosis Works!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011


If You Wouldn't Say It About Yourself
Refrain From Saying It About Others!

Copyright 1999, 2000, Norm Caldwell, "Here's A Thought"

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hypnosis Can Help Shed Weight Without Pill Popping - ABC News

 As posted on

Thursday, April 28, 2011